Monday, July 13, 2009

Weeks in falling

Sorry I have not written in a while it has been crazy and busy lately.  We've been doing well with our concerts and seem to gaining popularity with each one.  We have more concerts scheduled for the rest of the summer period and as well as events coming up for the rest of the summer and the fall.

I have been doing tastings in Philadelphia for First Fridays and they have been going well.  Hopefully we will be in the state stores soon and will be able to be sold through out PA.  The Philadelphia crowd will be happy once we do.

In the vineyard we are suckering, which is like pruning for the gapes.  The good branches are directionalized so that they will grow better and develope more fruit.  While the bad branches are cut off and mulched up into nutrients.

Other than that we are working on our wines to get them better for you.  barn Red has sold out as well as Leverage and Merge, but we should have more of these for sale soon.  The Barn Red should be back out by August.  

Sorry this blog isn't that detailed still waiting to get some other info on whats going on around the winery but I will get a better blog to you later this week.


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